Movie, editorials, headshots oh my!
July was probably the busiest production month we have ever had. Which quite honestly was a miracle considering in June I was freaking out about how slow July looked. Within a few weeks after my freak out, I managed to somehow book a feature film (a few weeks of non stop 12 hour day shooting) a 3 day Brooks Rehab shoot, merchandising shoots for the PGA for their fall clothing line, and an in house shoot for intuit/turbo tax, and some days for One Nation with Brian Kilmeade
Brian Kilmeade Fox News
This was so was a particular hot day in July and the live truck’s AC wasn’t working 🥵 I ran home to get an extra fan but Brian was a champ and we got through it. You would have never known on air 😉
This feature was so fun to work on! Love movie sets. Feels like adult summer camp since we are typically together atleast 12 hour days for weeks ☺️
The house we filmed in was incredible! Had a sauna and even a roof top hot tub.
When the rain would come in every day we would open up the accordion doors and just feel the breeze from both the left and the right side of the house. It was incredible. The lightning show in July did not disappoint and gave us a quick break and refresh
Director Michael Pomeroy going over scene
Filming PGA’s new apparel. Should be out now 🥰
Filming with Intuit for a private in-house video
My favorite part of my film career is getting to bring my sweet babes on set. I love getting to share the magic and makeup believe with them. Film days have been a part of their life since they were born. May the magic live on forever 🪄
Thank you for letting me share the magic with you as well 💗 It’s almost time for everyone’s routine to go back to normal. Hope everyone has had an amazing summer